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Customer Support

Customer support is the backbone and the frontline of your business, playing a critical role in building a sustainable customer base and fueling your sales. It is the support and services you offer to your customers before or after they buy or use your products to help them have an easy and delightful experience with your business. 

These services include solving customer’s challenges or pain points and ensuring that their concerns are being dealt with immediately and effectively on a variety of channels that range from phone support, to email, live chats, and social media.

Prioritizing customer support helps you attract and retain loyal customers, and this can have a big impact on your company’s growth and bottom line. This impact can be achieved through the customer support team. They, when empowered with the right and proper tools, play a crucial role in the technical assistance and the success of the customer service support. 

Their goal is to attain certain responsibilities including:

  • Reply to email requests and questions
  • Manage and work on tickets in the customer support queue
  • Answer phone calls and queries
customer support_Brand Reputation
  • Active listening as well as written and verbal communication
  • Operate live chats on your website for easy contact
  • Assist with on-boarding, troubleshooting, and updates
  • Respond to social media comments, direct messages, mentions, and requests
Customer Support_Social Media
  • Help with coding issues inside the website
  • Offer exchange or refund services for customers who had a bad experience or if the product did not meet their expectations
  • Manage customer’s feedbacks, problems, praises, and complaints
  • Provide FAQ, blogs, and content for self-help support materials
  • Provide customers with the needed information on products and services


Customer Support_Customer Care

When building a successful business, why prioritize customer support?

Great customer support drives an amazing customer experience and thus a successful business. As such, highly engaged and happy customers who stick around and continuously provide feedbacks to improve the quality of services help in:

Building a better reputation

Customer Care and Brand Reputation

Customer support service can make or break your reputation. So, having unhappy customers can swiftly ruin your name and image among people; however, creating positive customer support and experience can be profitable in gaining their trust and creating a strong public image. Over time, your brand name will be synonymous with positive customer experiences, increasing its value and reputation by which it attracts more customers, investors, employees, and partnerships.

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Retaining customers

Customer retention

Providing a top-notch customer support is an effective way to keep customers coming back and purchasing from your products. Keeping current customers satisfied results in more stable revenue and thus helps to set a solid foundation for your entire business. Not only retaining customers is valuable, but also it can improve your acquisition of new customers through their testimonials, word-of-mouth, feedbacks, and positive reviews.

Increasing revenue

Customer Support and revenue increase

Ensuring an excellent customer support service helps businesses to standout in their marketplace and correlate to revenue. As you know that satisfied customers are likely to tell their family and friends about your brand, retained and repeated customers lead to more purchases and buy more which often drives sales and more revenue.



In the light of social media platforms and live chats, most customers shift to phone calls for direct and relevant support. So, instead of sending a written message and waiting for the answer, a phone call can provide a quick answer for customer’s inquiries, detailed and personalized information, as well as direct assistance.

Customer Support on Phone

In addition, if there exists a technical or network error in social media platforms and other platforms that work on the Internet, phone calls can be the right servant for hosting customer support.


Customer Support via emails

Actually, nowadays, it’s barely to find someone without an email account especially that it stands out as a mean of support and that it’s somehow necessary to fill out forms. As such, an email is a common communication channel adopted by companies, businesses, and websites to offer customer support. For example, the email is usually displayed on the company’s webpage so that it provides customers with the ability to contact the targeted page via a text-based format to clearly state their query, explain themselves, document information, tell about a problem, …

Live Chat: 

Customer Support via live chat

Live chat is definitely an integral part of your business that delights customers and improves the support experience. It provides a platform to communicate and connect with customers in which they tend to receive quick and direct support, answers to their inquiries, as well as can multitask during their short-wait for the reply. In addition, according to a research, live chats generate satisfaction levels up to 73% compared to just 61% for email and 44% for phone support. As such, live chat is, ultimately, winning the customer support race through the benefits it reaps to both your business and customers.

Social Media:

Customer support on social media

Every business should adopt social media strategy as a top priority for achieving customer support. Through its social channels such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, it helps to resolve customer’s concerns, respond to their comments, requests, mentions, messages, and feedbacks, share their stories, reach them from their most-used platforms, motivate them by creating help or community page, … Thus, businesses implement social media as a highly effective and powerful channel for customer support.

Customer support_Customer Care_Customer Retention


Customer support is critical to your business’s prosperity and growth as it is an important part of the promise your brand makes to its customers. Support teams are always available to offer customers an enjoyable and good experience through several channels including emails, social networking sites, call centers, as well as live chats. 

So, ensuring your customers are satisfied can add to your brand’s credibility, reputation, popularity, and profits. Offering a qualified customer service helps you attract and retain customers as according to a research’s estimation, 93% of customers are likely to make repeat purchases with companies who offer great support. Thus, when seeking for your business’s success, start with excellent customer service and support. As Apex Reviews App, we give ultmost importance to customer support. Your dedicated client managers will be working hard to make sure that we meet your expectations in all aspects of our service.

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